Referee registration for Internationales Zehlendorfer Pfingstturnier 2025

As in every sport, our Pentecoast tournament could not take place without the active support of the many referees who travel to Berlin year after year to visit us in Zehlendorf. We are pleased that so many of you have been with us for many years, and that new faces appear in the playing halls each year. This makes our tournament so colorful and diverse. Here you will find all the information about referees at the Whitsun tournament. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Patrice & Lorenz at .

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If the tournament wants, they are allowed to show my name in public, for example in order for other referees to choose me as a partner or in game tables in the tournament game schedule

After you've sent in your registration, you can select referee partners and add your availability.