Rules of the game 5x5
The official FIBA rules apply with the following exceptions:
(a) The playing time is twice 15 minutes continuous time, the last three minutes of the 2nd half are stopped (in the last two minutes also after scoring a basket), half-time break two minutes, one time-out per team and half-time (one minute each).
b) A player is eliminated with the 4th foul. From the 8th team foul in a half there are two free throws.
c) There is no right to play-in time, no balls are provided for a possible play-in. In the case of jerseys of the same color, the first team to play is obliged to change.
d) There is no 24-second timekeeper except in the games for 1st place. In the event of obvious infringements, the referee can call “15” or “20” to indicate that he/she will blow the whistle after a further nine or four seconds.
e) Player substitutions are only made on the fly, i.e. the player being substituted may only enter the pitch after the player being substituted has left the pitch completely at the point where the player being substituted enters the pitch. Substitution errors are penalized with a technical foul against the player being substituted.
f) In all group and placement matches, ties are decided by sudden death. A sudden death starts with another jump ball in the center circle. A sudden death ends with the first successful basket; in the case of free throws, two successful free throws in succession count as a successful basket and lead to the end of the game. In all final round games, there is a two-minute overtime period to determine the winner. g) In the event of a tie in the standings, the regulations of the DBB Game Rules are applied (direct comparison). h) The teams must be ready to play at the scheduled time; late arrival or non-appearance will result in the loss of the match. There is no waiting time. i) If a team culpably abandons a match or uses players who are too old for the team in question according to the tournament website, the team will be excluded from the tournament. j) A player may only be used in one team per Division. Violations will result in forfeiture of the game and forfeiture of the deposit.
k) Protests must be registered with the referee as soon as the reason for the protest arises. They must be declared and justified in writing to the tournament office within one hour of the end of the match. The security deposit is EUR 50.00 and will only be refunded if the protest is upheld. In addition to these provisions, the FIBA guidelines for the procedure in the event of a protest shall apply. The German edition of the Basketball Rules is authoritative. l) In all mini, U14 and U16 games it is forbidden to play a zone defense. Man-to-man defense is mandatory from the center line. m) U8 teams play with a size 4 ball. U9/U10/U11/U12 teams play with a size 5 ball. All other female teams and the mU14 play with a size 6 ball. All other male teams play with a size 7 ball in accordance with FIBA rules. This rule may be deviated from if both teams agree. n) Up to twelve players can be used per team and game. o) No free throw is taken in the event of a technical foul. The opposing team automatically receives 1 point.
Criteria for man-to-man defense
The following criteria apply:
a) The person in possession of the ball must be closely covered (maximum distance of one arm's length).
b) Defenders on the ball side must not sink (deny defense).
c) The ball may only be doubled on the player in possession. This is also not permitted up to and including U12.
d) Defenders on the side away from the ball may drop down to the basket line.
The defense rule is monitored by the referees:
a) At the first violation by a team, a warning is given by the referees. The warning is given as soon as the violation is recognized, provided that the attacking team is not disadvantaged by the interruption. After the warning, the ball is awarded to the team that had the right to possession at the time of the warning.
b) For each further infringement by a team, the offending team is awarded one point. Here, too, the ball is awarded to the team that had the right to possession at the time of the interruption.
Rules Senior Mixed
The normal 5x5 rules apply here with the following extras:
a) There must always be at least 2 women and 2 men on the court. A technical foul is called against the bench in the event of a violation.
b) Baskets scored by women always count as one point more (including free throws).
c) An active shot block by men to women results in the shot being counted as a successful basket.
d) Definition of the cue ball size: men's ball, size 7.
U12 |
U11/U10/U9 |
U8 |
Number of players |
5 |
4 |
3 |
Ball size |
5 |
5 |
4 |
Basket height |
2,60 m |
2,60 m |
2,60 m |
Free throw line |
Normal free throw line |
1 meter to the front |
1 meter to the front |
Three-point shot |
Outside the zone |
Outside the zone |
Without |
3-, 5-, 8-, 24-second rule |
Not applied, referee penalizes for massive/unfair violations |
Not applied, referee penalizes for massive/unfair violations |
Not applied, referee penalizes for massive/unfair violations |
Return game |
Normal rule |
Not applied |
Not applied |
Passing the ball to/by the referee |
Only for free throws and fouls |
Only for free throws and fouls |
nly for free throws and fouls |
Special rules Penalty* |
No blocks / handoffs; MMV compulsory; full-court defense is permitted; doubling generally prohibited * Violations penalized by the referee with 1 point and possession |
No blocks / handoffs; MMV compulsory; full-court defense is permitted; doubling generally prohibited * Violations penalized by the referee with 1 point and possession |
No blocks / handoffs; MMV compulsory; full-court defense is permitted; doubling generally prohibited * Violations penalized by the referee with 1 point and possession |
Tournament jury
All protests during the tournament will be finally decided by the tournament jury. The jury is quorate if at least three members of the tournament management (including either Marcus Gehrmann, Jan Kleinheyer or Niklas Von Tschirnhaus) are present.
The exact protest regulations can be found in the Rules of Play section. The jury's decisions are final.
In the event of a protest, the processing fee must be deposited with the tournament management within two hours of receipt of the protest.