In 1984, the year Michael Jordan, who is still rightly regarded as the best basketball player of all time, was drafted, a small and motivated group of Zehlendorf basketball enthusiasts set out to organize a basketball tournament. The tournament was divided into four age groups with 24 participating teams. The motto at the time: everything was organized on a voluntary basis for the benefit of basketball development in the south of Berlin.
After various sporting successes, Michael Jordan gave up basketball a long time ago.
However, the International Zehlendorf Pentecost Tournament still exists. It will take place for the 39th time in 2025. The motto remains: Everything is voluntary. Requests regularly exceed capacity. Around 250 participating teams from Germany and all over Europe in 17 age groups are planned for 2025.

812 games, 252 teams, 120 referees and countless helpers make the Pentecost Tournament one of the largest basketball tournaments in Germany
A real trademark are the winners' shirts, which are presented to the tournament winners in the well-attended final hall and are immediately put on with pride.

The popular winner's shirt in action
Our Players' Lounge is available almost the entire day for cross-team and cross-club discussions. Music and a good mood included!

The Players Lounge provides all participants with food & drinks
A souvenir to take home with you? No problem at all. The annually changing tournament shirt is available for a small fee and can even be customized with creative lettering on the back. “Splash Sis”, ‘Ilayuwon’, ‘Juli Curry’. Only available at the Pentecost tournament. Made in Zehlendorf.

Our tournament shirt made in Zehlendorf
Fancy experiencing the Pentecost tournament for yourself? Registration is very easy and can be done via our homepage. Enter what is important to you in an online form. The three nights can be spent in classrooms or sports halls or you can organize your own accommodation. Centrally located catering can be booked or planned by the teams themselves.
Almost all the sports halls are within walking distance. Otherwise, there is also a frequent shuttle serviceavailable.

Our shuttle service takes the players to the various halls